FhG l3enc MP3 Encoder
Fraunhofer l3enc was the first MP3 (back then called MPEG audio layer 3,
that's why l3enc) software encoder. The official 1.0 version was released
on 1994-07-13, and before that only very expensive hardware encoders
existed (not that l3enc was not expensive itself, the registration for
version 2.0 cost 350DM - ~U$250)
Also, it was truly multiplatform: It ran on MS DOS (x86), Linux (x86),
Solaris (SPARC), SunOS (SPARC), Irix (MIPS), and NeXT (68K/x86/SPARC/HPPA).
The first (pre-1.0) DOS versions even featured fixed point math encoder
and decoder for the 8088 architecture.
FhG distributed with l3enc an MPEG layer 3 FAQ and a small collection of test bitstreams (1.370kB).
By the end of 1997 l3enc stopped being developed in favor of the
development of MP3enc. The webpage can still be
seen at the Internet Archive.
••••• The First Ever Publicly Available MP3 Software Encoder •••••
Date: 1994-03-16
Version: 0.99a
Interface: Command line
Platform: DOS
Download: l3enc099a.zip - 311kB
Date: 1997-12-05
Version: 2.72
Interface: Command line (includes Windows fronted)
Platform: DOS
Download: l3enc272.zip - 564kB
Platform: Linux x86
Download: l3enc272.linux.tar.gz - 206kB
Platform: NeXTstep
Download: l3enc272.next.tar.gz - 749kB
Platform: SGI Irix
Download: l3enc272.sgi.tar.gz - 359kB
Platform: Solaris SPARC
Download: l3enc272.solaris.tar.gz - 236kB
Platform: SunOS
Download: l3enc272.sun4.tar.gz - 284kB
Date: 1997-08-27
Version: 2.71
Interface: Command line
Platform: DOS
Download: l3enc271.zip - 295kB
Platform: Solaris
Download: l3enc271.solaris.tar.gz - 236kB
Platform: Linux
Download: l3enc271.linux.tar.gz - 205kB
Date: 1997-06-30
Version: 2.70
Interface: Command line
Platform: DOS
Download: l3enc270.zip - 305kB
Platform: SGI Irix
Download: l3enc270.sgi.tar.gz - 275kB
Date: 1996-11-07
Version: 2.61
Interface: Command line
Platform: DOS
Download: l3enc261.zip - 301kB
Platform: Linux x86
Download: l3enc261.linux.tar.gz - 198kB
Platform: NeXTstep
Download: l3enc261.next.tar.gz - 726kB
Platform: SGI Irix
Download: l3enc261.sgi.tar.gz - 271kB
Platform: SunOS
Download: l3enc261.sun4.tar.gz - 285kB
Date: 1996-07-31
Version: 2.60
Interface: Command line
Platform: DOS
Download: l3enc260.zip - 297kB
Platform: Linux
Download: l3enc260.linux.tar.gz - 198kB
Date: 1995-09-04
Version: 2.00
Interface: Command line
Platform: DOS
Download: l3enc200.zip - 287kB
Platform: NeXTstep
Download: l3enc200.next.tar.gz - 686kB
Platform: Linux x86
Download: l3enc200.linux.tar.gz - 179kB
Platform: SunOS
Download: l3enc200.sun4.tar.gz - 255kB
Date: 1995-02-22
Version: 1.50
Interface: Command line
Platform: DOS
Download: l3enc150.zip - 240kB
Date: 1994-07-13
Version: 1.00
Interface: Command line
Platform: DOS
Download: l3enc100.zip - 149kB
Platform: SunOS
Download: l3enc100.sun4.tar.z - 394kB
Date: 1994-06-13
Version: 0.99c
Interface: Command line
Platform: DOS
Download: l3enc099c.zip - 312kB
Platform: SunOS
Download: l3enc099c.sun4.tar.z - 284kB