CannaMP3 encoder
CannaMP3 is an MP3 encoder developed by the programmer Gabriele Cannata.
It comes with a GUI, and is able to encode directly from CDs through
digital audio extraction.
Another novelty is that it can use several algorithms for encoding (as it
seems, the author did some tuning on his code) besides the "ISO mode"
(dist10). These extra tunings can be reached at the settings tab,
"Encoding Mode (built in encoder)" drop-down box. It remains to be seen
if there is a noticeable difference between encoding modes.
A mirror of the website is available at archive.org.
Date: 1998-11-15
Interface: Graphical
Platform: Win32
Download: cannamp3.zip - 185kB
Date: 1998-08-13
Interface: Graphical
Platform: Win32
Download: cannamp3v1.zip - 174kB