HomeBoy AAC encoder
HomeBoy was a group of programers that created the first ISO compliant
publicly available AAC encoder for Windows back in 1998. At that time, the
"competition" was K+K's MP01 - a vaporware - and Astrid/Quartex AAC - actualy a stolen encoder that
did not have anything to do with AAC.
Also, they were reportedly creators of the first third party plugin for
Winamp (their AAC input plugin), as well as the first ISO-compliant AAC
decoder publicly available.
The encoder is just a compile of the original ISO reference sources with
a few bug fixes, therefore it is buggy, slow and quality is bad.
After some time the team disbanded to work at different places and also
probably because of Dolby licensing threats, and dropped from the scene.
Date: 1998-06-20
Version: 0.5alpha (Encoder)
Interface: Command line
Platform: Win32
Download: hb_aacenc05.zip - 491kB
Date: 1998-06-16
Version: 1.0 (Decoder)
Interface: Command line
Platform: Win32
Download: hbaacdec10.zip - 68kB
Date: 1998-09-06
Version: 1.1 (Player)
Interface: Command line
Platform: Win32
Download: aacplay.zip - 66kB
Date: 1998-10-27
Version: 1.09
Interface: Winamp plugin
Platform: Win32
Download: hb_in_aac.zip - 66kB