

Entis Lab MIO

Daru MIO (Music Interleaved and Orthogonal transformated format) is an obscure codec developed in Japan for usage in game music by Entis Lab.

The codec seems to be CBR (at least in the only encoder I managed to get working). Most encoders I found have the interface written in Japanese, including the one created by the developer (which is also available below, in its original LHA-compressed glory), hence I am hosting a third party encoder here called Daru that supports MIO and has an English interface.

The codec also features a lossless mode, but performance is really bad. Closer to WinRAR with multimedia compression enabled than to any good compressor such as WavPack or FLAC.

I am also hosting a Winamp input plugin for MIO files. The file info interface is in japanese, but you can easily detect information about frequency, bit depth and channel count.

The official home page of Entis Lab can be found here. Visitor comments on codec audio quality would be very welcome.

Lossless compression performance in my limited test: 64,7%

Lots of thanks to Stefan Grünwald for introducing me to this codec.

Date: 2004-04-12
Version: R43
Mio Compress Interface: Graphical
Platform: Win32
Download: - 568kB

Date: 2001-12-15
Version: 1.0
Interface: Graphical
Platform: Win32
Download: mio-sample.lzh - 329kB

Date: 2203 (!) (actually, 2003-11-03)
Version: 1.1
Interface: Winamp plugin
Platform: Win32
Download: - 61kB

© Roberto Amorim. This is a sister site of RareWares