Shine MP3 encoder
Shine is a minimalistic MP3 encoder developed by Gabriel Bouvigne, of LAME development fame. His goal with it was not
quality, but simplifying the encoding algorithms as much as possible
while maintaining standard compatibility. For that reason, it is a good
starting point for people wanting to implement an encoder from scratch.
It is also the only open source MP3 encoder that runs on fixed point math
machines - all other known public encoders depend on an FPU. The fixed
point implementation was done by Peter Everett for Acorn's RISCOS operating system.
The "official" Shine page is located at MP3-Tech. It is said that "Shine is really lame, but
LAME really shines".
Date: 2005-11-17
Version: 0.1.4
Interface: Command line
Platform: Win32
Download: Shine.zip - 61kB
Date: 2003-10-18
Version: 1.09
Interface: Command line
Platform: RISCOS StrongARM
Download: sh109.zip - 25kB
Fixed point souce code: shinefixed.zip - 39kB