MUSICompress is a lossless audio encoding algorithm developed by Al Wegener.
Its focus is in being fast (quoting the author: "an extra 10% compression
ratio just isn't worth a 20x wait").
The original web page is mirrored
here. You can also check the data sheet.
This is an introductory message by the author.
Compression performance in my limited test: 61,78%
Date: 2001-08-19
Version: 3.0
Interface: Command line
Platform: Win32
Download: mcapp.zip - 39kB
WaveZip is a GUI lossless encoder that uses MUSICompress' libraries for
encoding and decoding. It was sold as shareware by GadgetLabs. The
shareware version was unable to encode 24bit streams, this feature
required registration.
Gadget Labs has gone out of business in 2000, so registration is no longer
possible. A mirror of the web site can be seen
here though.
Date: 2000-05-31
Version: 2.01
Interface: Graphical
Platform: Win32
Download: wz2setup.exe - 2.763kB