

Gogo-No-Coda MP3 encoder

Gogo 2.39 Gogo is a fork from the Lame MP3 encoder with the most CPU-intensive routines rewritten in assembler. That makes Gogo one of the fastest MP3 encoders with good quality.

It was developed by a team of Japanese programmers, and the home page is available here.

The 2.x and 3.13a versions available below are DLL builds, with a graphical frontend (WinGOGO.exe) and a command line frontend (GOGO_8HZ.exe). The other versions (3.07 - 3.12) contain a command line encoder and the DLL. The main difference between versions 2.24 and 2.39 is that the latter offers VBR encoding.

The installer for version 3.13 requires a Japanese Windows version, so I unpacked the files from inside it and created a small package with only the files required to run. Also, the installer includes Gogo in source form to be compiled during setup, my package has the dll already compiled. Alas, all interfaces are in Japanese.

Date: 2004-05-25
Version: 3.13a (based on LAME 3.88)
Interface: Graphical or command line
Platform: Win32
Download: wing313a.exe - 3.756kB
Package for non-Japanese Windows: - 840kB

Date: 2003-10-06
Version: 3.12 (based on LAME 3.88)
Interface: Command line + DLL
Platform: Win32
Download: - 290kB
Kindly contributed by Martin Wagner

Date: 2002-11-26
Version: 3.11 (based on LAME 3.88)
Interface: Command line + DLL
Platform: Win32
Download: - 436kB
Kindly contributed by Martin Wagner

Date: 2002-03-11
Version: 3.10 (based on LAME 3.88)
Interface: Command line + DLL
Platform: Win32
Download: - 210kB
Kindly contributed by Martin Wagner

Date: 2002-01-23
Version: 3.09 (based on LAME 3.88)
Interface: Command line + DLL
Platform: Win32
Download: - 175kB

Date: 2002-01-03
Version: 3.08 (based on LAME 3.88)
Interface: Command line + DLL
Platform: Win32
Download: - 155kB
Kindly contributed by Martin Wagner

Date: 2001-11-03
Version: 3.07 (based on LAME 3.88)
Interface: Command line + DLL
Platform: Win32
Download: - 202kB
Kindly contributed by Martin Wagner

Date: 2000-12-31
Version: 2.39c (based on LAME 3.29 + parts of 3.5x)
Interface: Graphical or command line
Platform: Win32
Download: wing239c.exe - 568kB

Date: 2000-01-20
Version: 2.24d (based on LAME 3.23)
Interface: Graphical or command line
Platform: Win32
Download: wing224d.exe - 408kB

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