Xing/Helix MP3 encoder
The Xing MP3 encoder was created around 1995, seemingly from scratch, by
the Xing Technology Corporation with a primary goal in mind: developing
a very fast encoder.
And it delivers! It is much faster than other encoders in benchmark tests, even compared to famously fast encoders
such as Musepack, Gogo
and Ogg Vorbis Lancer. These speed gains are obtained mostly with heavy
usage of x86 assembly code (which, in this case, is unfortunately limited
to the Windows platform).
Besides creating a super fast encoder (orders of magnitude faster than
the competitor at the time, FhG l3enc), Xing were
innovators in other areas. Theirs was the first MP3 encoder with a
variable bitrate - VBR - mode (released in late 1998. LAME introduced it in June 1999, MPegger in
late 1999, and FhG only in 2000). Also, their
MPEG encoder was the first and probably the only one that allowed MP3
audio streams in MPEG files - most (all?) other encoders limit them to
MP2 streams. They also created audio players,
and a CD Ripper based on their encoder, not to
mention video encoding, playing and streaming tools which are outside
the scope of RRW.
What about quality? Surprisingly, the quality is quite good! Of course
not on par with LAME, but if you are in a hurry Xing can be a good choice
as it is several times faster.
Xing Technology was acquired by Real Networks
in the early 2000s (but you can still check their web site at the Internet Archive) and the MP3 encoder was renamed to
Helix MP3 Encoder. Then, in 2005, they released the sources under an open
source license. It seems Real closed the sources again, but here you can
find compiles of their encoder made while they were still open, as well
as the source code.
Date: 2005-07-23
Version: 5.0 (MSVC compile)
Interface: Command line
Platform: Win32
Download: helix_mp3enc_r11_vc7.zip - 113kB
Date: 2005-07-23
Version: 5.0 (ICL compile)
Interface: Command line
Platform: Win32
Download: helix_mp3enc_r11_icl9.zip - 157kB
Date: 2005-07-23
Version: 5.0 (64 bits)
Interface: Command line
Platform: Win64
Download: helix_mp3enc_r11_x64.zip - 156kB
Date: 2005-07-23
Version: 5.0
Interface: Command line
Platform: sources
Download: helix_mp3enc_5.0r11.tar.gz - 230kB
Date: 1999-01-03
Version: 1.5b9
Interface: Graphical
Platform: Win32
Download: MP3EN15.EXE - 1.841kB
Date: 1997-11-03
Version: 3.0
Interface: Command line
Platform: Win32
Download: tompg.zip - 83kB
Plain MP3 files with VBR encoding have a problem: as they have no header,
an MP3 player can not seek into the file or know its duration, unless it
decodes the whole file beforehand. CBR files have no such problem because
all frames are about the same size, hence it is easy to calculate position
and duration.
So Xing came up with a solution: adding a no-audio frame at the beginning
of the file which contains a seek table and the track duration. Since it
is a valid frame, older MP3 decoders will just skip it and decoders aware
of the Xing header can obtain crucial playback information there.
Below you will find Xing's original VBR header SDK. It is worth pointing
out that it is forwards-compatible with the LAME header
Date: 1998-12-30
Interface: C SDK
Download: vbrheadersdk.zip - 216kB
FhG later came up with their own VBR header format and, being the usual
asshats, made it incompatible with the Xing header:
Date: 2000-11-07
Interface: C++ SDK
Download: mp3_vbr_sdk.zip - 3kB