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oggdropXPd is a drag-and-drop Ogg Vorbis encoder/decoder/player for the eXPerienced user. Features include compression from lossless files (Monkeys Audio, LPAC, FLAC, WAVPACK and OptimFROG), auto-tagging, renaming of encoded files, setting of advanced encoder parameters, use of VorbisGain tags on decode, playlist (.m3u) creation, and others.

Version 1.8.7 introduced correct channel mapping for encoding of multi-channel (3 to 6 channels) files that conform to the WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE standard and provides the correct corresponding decoding and channel mapping in creating WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE conforming output wave files.

Playback also supports multi-channel in the same way. A further option is added to downmix multi-channel to stereo for decoding to file, or playback. The multi-channel mapping conforms to the Vorbis I Specification.

oggdropXPd V.1.9.2 using libVorbis v1.3.7


Using libVorbis 1.3.7, libOgg 1.3.4, and the SoXR 0.1.1 resampling library. Generic is WindowsXP friendly. Generic compile is VS2015, and P4 and x64 compiles are ICL 19. x64 compile accepts wave and FLAC file input only for encoding.

oggdropXPd V.1.9.2 using libVorbis v1.3.7 - aoTuVb6.03


Using libVorbis 1.3.7 (aoTuVb6.03), libOgg 1.3.4, and the SoXR 0.1.1 resampling library. Generic is WindowsXP friendly. Generic is VS 2015 compile, and P4/Athlon64 and x64 are ICL 19 compiles. x64 compile accepts wave and FLAC file input only for encoding.

oggdropXPd V.1.9.2 using libVorbis v1.3.7 - aoTuVb6.03 - Lancer


Using libVorbis 1.3.7 (aoTuVb6.03), libOgg 1.3.4, and the SoXR 0.1.1 resampling library. VisualStudio 2022 compiles. x64 compile accepts wave and FLAC file input only for encoding. Recompiled to resolve Intel compiler issue. Required libFLAC.dll included for FLAC input.

oggdropXPd V1.6 User Guide

A user guide for oggdropXPd (will be updated soon, but very little change).

oggdropXPd lossless support DLLs

The following dlls are needed for oggdropXPd IF you want decoding support for LPAC and/or Monkey's Audio and/or OptimFROG and/or WavPack:

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