This is a page containing stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else!
2024-10-01This has been modified to allow for compilation using VS 2019.
win32 and x64 binaries are in the Release folder. Source and project files included.
2005-09-07Java version of ABC/HR comparator v0.5. by schnofler. Runs on Sun JRE 1.5 or later.
EAC 0.99 PreBeta4
2009-10-02This is a simple zip of the required components. Simply unzip to a folder of your choice and run.
EAC 0.99 PreBeta5
2009-10-02This is a simple zip of the required components. Simply unzip to a folder of your choice and run.
CDex 1.60++
2005-06-13This is an unofficial mod to CDex. It adds features such as CUE-sheet creation, and changes some default settings. Also includes latest versions of some encoding libraries. Unicode version. By tycho.
- Download installer (2225kB) (Source diffs included)
- Zip package (2188kB)
- Modified sources only (90kB)
LPCM 24bit processor
2003-08-10Tool to adapt LPCM 24bit RAW streams to standard 24bit WAV files. By thomaspf
- Download (8kB) - Sources Included
DTSdec v0.0.2
2004-03-13A command line decoder and player for the DTS Coherent Acoustics format, based on the libdca library. - by Bonzi
Friedman statistical analysis tool
2005-06-21An analysis tool created by ff123 that can perform several statistical analyses on data sets, which is particularly suited for listening test data. Version 1.24. Choose the adequate compile for your platform:
- Windows (36kB)
- Linux x86 (16kB)
- MacOS X Universal (71kB) - ppc, ppc64, x86, x86_64, arm64
- Sources (28kB)
Flash Video decoders
2006-05-04These are two decoder tools for Flash Video (FLV) streams - one is a demo decoder, and the other is a directshow filter that you can use to play flash vidoes (like the ones you find at youtube and google videos) on direct show players like Windows Media Player, MPC and Zoom Player, among others.
TAG command line tagger
2003-04-11A command line tagger that supports several tag formats - ID3v1, APEv1/v2, Vorbis, etc. - by Case - v. 2.0.39b
Case's Wapet
2003-04-11This app calls command line encoders and adds APE tags automatically as soon as the encoding is finished. Works with 2-byte characters.
Speex 1.2.1 Release for Win32 and x64
2022-07-06speexenc and speexdec bundles - MSVS-2015 compiles.
speexdrop drag'n'drop frontend with encoding, decoding and playback
2009-07-04V. 0.0.8 - Speex 1.2rc1 - ICL 9.0 compile - - By John33.
Speex 1.2b3 for MAC OS-X
2008-06-30Universal binaries of speexenc and speexdec for MAC OS X by S_O.
Alternative WMA plugins for Winamp
Allow usage of output plugins (WMA->WAV). Peter's one doesn't work with DRM.
WaveGain v1.3.1
2011-12-16This version should be thread safe. Please see 'Help' for details of usage. SSE2 'hand-rolled' optimised compile by an anonymous donor added. ICL12.1 compile - by John33
WaveGainS v1.3.1
2011-12-16This is a special version designed for processing the single channel wave files that comprise a multi-channel set. For example, the 6 mono files that form a 5.1 stream. See the ReadMeFirst.txt file included. SSE2 'hand-rolled' optimised compile by an anonymous donor added. ICL12.1 compile - by John33
WaveGain for Mac OS X (PPC)
2005-11-27ReplayGain for wave files. v.1.2.6 - by John33 (compiled by Ken Nakamura (a.k.a. c15zyx))
WaveGain for Mac OS X Leopard (UB or Intel)
2008-04-06ReplayGain for wave files. v.1.2.6 - by John33 (compiled by K R Mathis)
ReplayGain dll and Pascal Wrapper
2006-11-10Uses the basic ReplayGain code. Includes the source and, debug and release MSVC6 compiles - by John33. Pascal wrapper provided by 'sundance' from the HA forums.
Shibatch sampling rate converter compiled with ICL for speed
2005-06-28A fast and high quality sampling rate converter by famed Lame developer Naoki Shibata. V. 1.30.
Shibatch sampling rate converter for MAC OS-X
2008-06-30Universal binaries of SSRC compiled by S_O. (v1.30)
SoXRDrop V0.1.0
2013-09-23A high quality sample rate converter by john33 using the SoXR resampling library. Intel 13.0 compiles.
SRCdrop V0.6.4
2011-11-06A high quality sample rate converter by john33 using SRC libsamplerate V0.1.8 from Erik de Castro Lopo.
WaveFS44 sampling rate converter compiled with ICL for speed
2005-01-16Another high quality sampling rate converter. The ICL compile is much faster than the standard one. V. 0.4.
Shibatch Super Equalizer compiled with ICL for speed
2002-08-16With visual modifications by Case. V. 0.03.
Volumax v0.50
2015-08-30Normalises wave files to full scale - MSVC9.0 compile - by John33. Shares i/o routines with WaveGain for large wave files. Should now work with multiple instances.
Dirac v0.6 for Win32 MMX
2006-11-30Dirac is a general-purpose video codec aimed at resolutions from QCIF (176x144) to HDTV (1920x1080) progressive or interlaced. It uses wavelets, motion compensation and arithmetic coding and aims to be competitive with other state of the art codecs. Package with compiled tools for Win32 platform for MMX compiled by Petr Vacek aka quentar. (In order to play footage you need to download .ax filter from sourceforge.net project site.)
DVDDecrypter v3.5.4.0
2005-06-07The well known and loved DVD ripper sadly no longer developed. This is the last version to be released.
EdgeSounds RatHole
2006-12-13"EdgeSounds' RatHole (formerly GenieSys RatHole) is a free, unique, nondestructive universal media compression utility. Its function is based on a principle of self-training neural networks. RatHole was especially designed for archiving all kinds of sound files and is capable of compressing to the amazing rate of 40-80%." More information can be obtained from the EdgeSounds web site. v3.6.1 dated 2007-06-08.